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Latino Calendar

The World's Only 365 Days of Latino Facts Calendar

We created the Latino Calendar to proudly display, celebrate, and encourage educational conversation about the amazing Hispanic/Latino culture, safely and respectfully in schools, homes and businesses. We are extremely proud to present to the world, the only 365 Days of Latino Facts Calendar. - Latino Calendar Staff

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Organizations Across the Country Support the Latino Calendar

Be inspired by movers and shakers that have positively impacted the world
365 Days a Year!

Take a Peek Inside of the 6th Anniversary Edition 

July - 2023 Latino Calendar

July - 2023 Latino Calendar

January - 2023 Latino Calendar

January - 2023 Latino Calendar

February - 2023 Latino Calendar

February - 2023 Latino Calendar

March - 2023 Latino Calendar

March - 2023 Latino Calendar

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Need More than 10 Latino Calendars? Click here and we'll send you a custom invoice. 

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Hispanic Heritage Cards Edition 1: Hispanic Heros showcases dozens of Hispanics who have made an impact worldwide in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math and more. You can learn about Selena, the individual responsible for popularizing Tejano music worldwide, or César Chávez, who founded the National Farm Workers Association. Organizer Dolores Huerta, journalist Jorge Ramos, and many many more are featured inside.


This 36-card pack is filled with beautiful, full-color illustrations on the front, and large print bullet points on the back that will inspire, uplift, and encourage you and your family every day.

$14.95 each
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Money Back Guarantee: If the Latino Calendar does not meet your expectations in terms of its information provided, or quality, then send it back to us and will provide you with a 100% REFUND within 30 days of your purchase.

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Your purchase brightens the future!


For the past ten years we have been able to provide scholarship funds for students because of people like you! Each calendar sold gives a young person an opportunity to live their dreams through higher education. The 365 Days of Latino Facts Calendar's scholarship efforts have been documented in the Los Angeles Times Newspaper and have affected the lives of many.

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2021 Scholarship Recepients

Latino Knowledge Bowl

The Latino Knowledge Bowl is a community event that allows people an opportunity to showcase their knowledge of world history while developing character and enriching the lives of all who attend.


Click here to download the Study Guide


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